Ashley let's talk, okay? Sure. We walked out to my little waterfall spot in silence. Fairlight, what is going on? Ashley, the guys. I stopped for a moment. Yes. They are all wolves. What, Fairlight? Yes. Right, whatever. Yes, Ashley, me too now. Okay Fairlight, it's time for the nut house. I started laughing. Then I stopped. Ashley turned to leave but turned back around when she heard a growl. She screamed. That's when I changed back. She got speechless. Ashley? W-what? Fairlight that was you last night?Yes and Dominic. Ashton? She asked swallowing hard. Yes, all the guys. Even JoJo. Oh my god. Her eyes were wide open, and she couldn't breathe hardly. Ashley, Ash wants me to turn you. That way you and he can be together forever. He love's you. She started smiling. God, I love him too. And that's what Sean was talking about, Candy? Yes. Will you? I don't know. What about Mary and Randi? I don't know. The guys haven't asked. Ashley? Yes, Fair...